Wednesday, March 17, 2010

What's so Funny?

When faced with the harsh realities of life there are those that lay down and let the world tackle them to the ground.

And there are those that take what they are a joke, and come back swinging.

There is nothing funny about getting a lung removed. And if we went down the list of all the terrible news our family has been given throughout the years, there is nothing funny about that either.

So why are we always laughing?

Because, we have to. We have to find the good in everything. Can you imagine what the world would be like if everyone walked around feeling sorry for themselves when they received a dose of bad news?

We learned a long time ago to never say the words "Well, it could be worse..." upon hearing bad news because inevitably it DID get worse. We changed it up and started saying "It could be better!"

Eventually, we learned that if we can smile, and laugh at ourselves, that even in the toughest of times.....the scariest of times, the smiles and laughter that we share is what gets us through.

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