Sunday, April 11, 2010

Testing 1,2,3...All systems a GO! Corey's getting pruned.

Corey has been going through many tests leading up to his surgery which as you know will happen on May 7th.

Most recently he underwent a VQ Scan. (Pulmonary Ventilation/Perfusion Scan) This test was done specifically to see if it was really necessary to get his lung removed. Basically, they wanted to see if his lung was really in as bad of shape as we all thought it was.

The results were an astounding was THAT BAD.

To give you some idea of what the test entails...Albumin is injected into the veins and the lungs are scanned to detect the location of the radioactive particles as blood flows through the lungs.

This test is done to measure how much blood and air flow the lungs are receiving.

And basically, his left lung, in a nutshell is receiving none. No air. No blood.

Without going into great detail, we can sum it up by saying his left lung is dead. A big giant dead collapsed lung that has no ability to hold air and receives no blood flow, yet his body, is trying desperately to keep this lung alive, thus taking all of his energy from him...and from his healthy right lung. Not only that, it's filled with fluid, and infection. He has walking pneumonia...and truth is, he has no idea what it feels like to NOT have walking pneumonia.

Solution. Get rid of it. Immediately if not sooner.

If you can think of it in terms of a rosebush. You prune a rosebush by cutting off the dead leaves and flowers so that the live flowers can flourish. If you don't do this, the bush will waste it's energy trying to keep the dead leaves and flowers alive, thus killing the entire bush in the end. If you get rid of the bad parts, the good parts will live a long, healthy and beautiful life. But they have to be well taken care of. It's the same concept with the human's the same concept with Corey's two lungs.

Corey needs to be pruned.

(But, hey....chew on this......He also had a Stress Test, and even with everything his body has been through and all of the extra work his heart has had to do to keep his blood flowing, his heart is testing as a perfectly healthy 30 year old man! Imagine!!!!)

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